Sports Marketing Perspective

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How Brands Are Buying In To The Last Dance


With limited commercial time and limited advertisers, The Last Dance saw four leading brands take the stage behind the much-anticipated documentary series.


Those brands would be Facebook, State Farm, and Hershey, which will promote its product Reese’s. According to AdAge, the fourth sponsor is in the pharmaceutical category but would not be mentioned by ESPN.

“If you wanted to increase the commercial format, then you had to edit the content, and it’s such a premier piece of content we weren’t going to do that,” Sean Hanrahan, senior Vice President of sports brand solutions for Disney Advertising Sales told AdAge. “One of the values of the sponsors was having limited sponsors and limited commercial interruption.”

Series partners are receiving regular commercials, along with unique in-show integrations. For example, Facebook will showcase Bull’s trivia, while Reese’s will have a feature called “Remember When” that showcases stories on the team. State Farm worked with CreativeWorks, ESPN’s in-house creative agency, for a custom ad that features ESPN anchor Kenny Mayne talking about the documentary at a 1998-era SportsCenter desk.

You can watch the last dance on ESPN and stream live on the ESPN app.

Via Front Office Sports